
Our Vision
The Original Rose of Sharon Church Ministries is a part of the Body of Christ and a church striving toward maturity in Chris Jesus, with a hunger and a thirst after righteousness, striving to be the light in a very cold and dark world. That church that sits on a hill that cannot be hid. A light that men, women, boys and girls can see. We are a church reaching out to help the whole man. Our vision is to see the human race saved from sin, as many as possible, to see homes brought back together, broken hearts healed and families growing together physically and spiritually. Striving to have strong leadership such as men and women who are committed to being godly role models, exhibiting godly characteristics, integrity and committed to God. Members who are loyal, faithful and dedicated to God and His work.

Rose of Sharon
Rose of Sharon – A form of a Hebrew word meaning “a plain.” Sharon was  a most beautiful tract of county lying between the high hills of Judea and Samria and the Mediterranean Sea. It was noted for it’s richness. A “Rose of Sharon” was a Hebrew figure for something that was most beautiful. The title has been applied to Christ and His church.